Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Genesis Change Log R10

An active participant in Second Life's Third Party Viewer Program.

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Nightly Builds

The way voice works in Second Life will change soon.  You will need a WebRTC compliant viewer to hear other residents.  WebRTC will replace Vivox. 
Genesis Nightly 1040 and above supports WebRTC.  

October 9th, 2024 (1082)

- Updated Openjpeg to 2.5.2 to fix errors in partially decoding jpeg 2000 images.
This is a test build and mileage will vary until finely tuned.  Users may experience problems with old skins.

October 7th, 2024 (1080)

- New Feature: Ability to restrict upload textures to 1024 (10L$) so that a texture of any size will resize to a maximum of 1024, via the checkbox on the upload floater. Otherwise textures beyond 1024 and up to 2048 (40L$) will be supported when left unchecked.  (Default is unchecked, ie 2048 uploads enabled).

October 5th, 2024 (1078)

- Minor edit to credits.

September 26th, 2024 (1074)

- Added support for 2k resolution images bakes for mesh.  

- Added, calculation for upload fee depends on image resolution.

Caveat: Temporary workaround:  You may need to set GenxDecodePartialImage to False to render 2k images.

September 25th, 2024  (1071)

- Fixed Voice visualiser for WebRTC (Voice dot).

- Added WebRTC logo to viewer startup  (Right hand side of where the user inputs their name).

- First test of Non-Friends attenuation for WebRTC in the hopes we can keep this Genesis feature after Vivox becomes deprecated.

September 24th, 2024 (1065)

- Fixed version number: We forgot to set Nightly's from 1.9.x to 1.10.x after the last full release.  

September 21st, 2024 (1064)

- Minor change to team profiles.

WebRTC controls
September 12th, 2024 (1062)

- VLC for video updated to 3.0.16

- User Interface: Font scaling overhaul [Fidget]

- User Interface: WebRTC voice controls [Shep]

September 11th, 2024 (1054)

- Added the new library commands needed for Combat 2.0 to LSL. [Fidget].

- Fixed.  Some of our LSL script library was out of date. [Fidget].

September 5th, 2024 (1042)

- WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications)
- Added debug: VoiceNoiseSuppressionLevel (Default 4).   0 is off, no noise cancelling, 4 is maximum noise cancelling.
Users who already have background noise cancelling microphones or software, may wish to disable this to prevent two 'systems' fighting it out, resulting in the first word they speak being clipped.  Those with standard setups will benefit from leaving this setting enabled.

The value from 1 to 4 dictates how aggressive the suppression should be.  You need to find your own sweet spot.  Everyone's microphone and room acoustics differ. 

September 3rd, 2024 (1040)  WebRTC early testing.

- WebRTC first implementation with caveats:
    - Voice indicator in SL is currently always red.
    -  Person to Person private calling is not yet supported.
    - NonFriendsAttenuation is yet to be implemented.

The viewer should correctly detect and switch from Vivox to WebRTC. Additionally the new voice system is handled internally meaning no more external routines handled by  SLVoice.exe once WebRTC goes live.

You can test WebRTC at regions, "WebRTC Voice 1" (through 4)

- Fixed Autobuild again.

September 2nd, 2024 (internal)

- Initial WebRTC voice system to replace Vivox voice services, successfully tested in Genesis.  Now testing coexistence of both services.

Genesis Change Log R10

An active participant in Second Life's Third Party Viewer Program.