Saturday, September 21, 2024

WebRTC voice testing in Genesis Gateway

As part of the testing for the forthcoming big changeover from Vivox Voice services to WebRTC, London City Genesis Gateway region supports WebRTC beta deployment from Linden Lab.

Residents are encouraged to test their voice out with friends, in our Gateway region and check that their viewer is WebRTC compliant.

Genesis Viewer Nightly builds already support WebRTC.  

Hop over to London City Gateway and check your viewer

Known issues on the LL end that they need to fix:

- Mute/Change gain of others doesn't work

- Inconsistent behaviors for P2P/Group/Ad hoc calls between WebRTC <> Vivox regions

- Voice dot falsely appears if voice is disabled at login

- Echo sometimes heard going back to public voice from parcel with private voice set

- Sometimes voice goes to headphones while other sounds go to speakers

Genesis Change Log R10

An active participant in Second Life's Third Party Viewer Program.